The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, March 19, 2007

'Cause they don't get your soul or your fire

I am coming to a interesting realization. The men in my life, really don't go away.

Case(s) in point:

Mr. Wrong: I never talk about him anymore, because I hate him. I haven't answered his calls or hung out with him in over 5 months. I'm not playing a game here. I genuinely don't ever want to see/speak to him ever again. He still calls. He called on Friday night at 3:30 in the morning. At least he has stopped calling 5-10 times in one night. It absolutely stuns me that he is still holding on when not getting even an ounce of encouragement from me.

Scott: Despite not speaking for over a month. I got an email, a text and a phone call from him on Friday. He'd like to start over and take me out on a date. I'm sorry, WTF?

Cam: We still fight, almost daily about the status of our relationship, despite my repeated attempts at telling him that there is NO relationship. It's really starting to irritate me. I may have had very strong feelings for him at one point, but I gotta tell you, all the fighting has really killed all that. He is driving me absolutely insane. I could happily never talk to him again and now that I've blocked him on IM, I hopefully never will.

The one that has disappeared though, is the one that I least wanted to.


Not a word from him in the last month. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him.

Life just isn't ever fair is it?

Today's Title from: Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol

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