The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Friday, January 13, 2006

A Lesson in Tattoos

Things I Wish I had Known About Getting a Tattoo, BEFORE I Got a Tattoo

1. It hurts- for days afterward
2. They require a lot of care- involving foul smelling ointment for at least 4 days.
3. Can't go swimming/hot tubbing/anything that immerses you in water for 10 days.
4. They get scabby and disgusting as part of the healing process.
5. Some people think they make you white trash- and they'll tell you that to your face.
6. You immediately become addicted and want to cover your body in them.

I am exhausted. The earlier I go to bed, the more tired I am the next day. I can't get out of this hazy fog of sleepiness and I'm getting real tired of it!

Mr. Wrong has been goading me all day. Asking out my friends, in front of me, and telling them that he's doing it just to piss me off. What the hell is wrong with him?