The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Food Woes

I am hungry all the friggin time. When I'm not eating, I'm thinking about my next meal and what I'm going to eat and how many calories it's going to be and how to get in all my servings of vegetables in one day. I hate vegetables. They don't make me happy.

I drink water to drown out the voices in my head screaming for chocolate.

I chew gum to trick my body into thinking that I'm eating.

And I hate myself for the popcorn that I ate at the movie theater last night.

Damn King Kong and it's 3 hours of length.

Can a person make themselves like tofu?

I have a very rich fantasy life. The few moments before I fall asleep at night was always that time when I would imagine exactly how I wanted things to work with whoever was most on my mind. Sometimes it would be declarations of love, sometimes it would be amazing sex, sometimes it would be taking them home to the family (I don't ever fantasize about weddings, I don't know why), but now that fantasy life is gone. Now as I'm falling asleep I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get all of the food that I plan to eat the next day to work without looking crazy.

And worst of all- my salad and tomato soup NEVER hit the spot like a cheeseburger deluxe.